Sunday 7 February 2016

Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

LOGOIPL.pngThe Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) is a accessible academy of Higher Apprenticeship that offers courses of training on an Undergraduate Degree, Masters, Post-Graduate, Technology Specialization and Preparation Courses for Access to Higher Apprenticeship level. It began its action in 1980 and is present in the Leiria and West arena through its 5 schools, disconnected in 5 campus, amid in the cities of Leiria (School of Apprenticeship and Social Sciences, Academy of Technology and Management and Academy of Health Sciences), Caldas da Rainha (School of Fine Art and Design) and Peniche (School of Tourism and Maritime Technology). IPL offers Undergraduate e master's degrees courses in the areas of: Art and Design, Law studies, Apprenticeship and CommunCampus 1 In IPL’s Campus 1 there is the Academy of Apprenticeship and Social Sciences (ESECS) which develops its training action in the areas of Human and Social Sciences, Communication and Teacher Training. It is abounding by about 1.700 students.
Campus 2 In Campus 2 of IPL, in Leiria, there are two schools: Academy of Technology and Management (ESTG) and the Academy Of Health Sciences (ESSLei).
The ESTG offers courses in the areas of engineering and technology and of ambitious and argumentative sciences. It is a academy accustomed for the superior of the apprenticeship provided and for its able affiliation to the action world, not alone from the Leiria and West arena but aswell on a civic level. The academy is abounding by about 5.600 students. The Academy Of Health Sciences (ESSLei) was chip in IPL in 2001 and has been advised for the training of nurses and it is predicted that in the next bookish year it will widen its training action to added areas of Health Sciences. It is abounding by about 800 students.
Campus 3 Campus 3 of IPL is anchored in Caldas da Rainha, about 60 kilometers South of Leiria. The Academy of Fine Arts and Design (ESAD.CR) is amid in this city, a thermal city-limits that has a all-inclusive aesthetic patrimony. It is a celebrated academy in agreement of training and art in the areas of Art and Design, accepting been accustomed with assorted civic and all-embracing awards accustomed by acceptance and teachers. Abounding by about 1.200 students, ESAD.CR privileges teaching methodologies focused on claimed development, adroitness and activity implementation, aesthetic the spirit of initiative.
Campus 4 The Academy of Maritime Technology (ESTM) is amid in IPL’s Campus 4, in Peniche (80 kilometers South of Leiria). This academy with 1.500 acceptance is abnormally aimed at the training in the breadth of Tourism, Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Food Engineering.
Campus 5 In Campus 5, in Leiria, there are added structures of the Institute: the Institute for Research, Development and Advanced Studies (INDEA), the Training Centre for the Courses of Technology Specialization (FOR.CET) with about 900 students, the Centre of New Opportunities (CNO), a Alteration Technology and Information Center (OTIC) and an E-Learning Unit (UED). These are units with specific aims that beset the analysis and post-graduate training, the post-secondary training, the e-learning, the ability transfer, a part of others.ication, Engineering and Technology, Tourism and Health.

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