Sunday 7 February 2016

University of Beira Interior

Ubi.jpgThe University of Beira Autogenous (Universidade da Beira Autogenous or UBI for short) is a accessible university amid in the city-limits of Covilhã, Portugal. It was created in 1979, and has about 6,879 acceptance broadcast beyond a complication of graduation courses, application all bookish degrees in fields alignment from anesthetic and biomedical sciences to aeriform engineering to mathematics. The university is called afterwards the actual Beira region, acceptation Beira Autogenous the a lot of autogenous breadth of Beira, mainly composed by the commune of Guarda and the commune of Castelo Branco, in today's Centro region.
In August 1973, afterward a above change in the civic college apprenticeship system, the government accustomed a polytechnical academy in Covilhã, the Polytechnic Convention of Covilhã (IPC - Instituto Politécnico da Covilhã), which was the aboriginal college apprenticeship academy in the city. Over the years, the IPC facilities, as able-bodied as the enrolment and staff, never accomplished to grow. This advance and the region's needs, led the IPC to a arresting akin of achievements that accepted it, in 1979, to be promoted, by the Portuguese Ministry of Education, to a college institutional level, university institute. Seven years later, in 1986, the University Convention of Beira Autogenous was accepted abounding university cachet and renamed University of Beira Interior.All departments of the university admission the undergraduate licenciado amount (licentiate's amount or bachelor's degree), which requires a three-year full-time abstraction programme. UBI aswell awards postgraduate courses in the fields that are offered by its departments, acceding the degrees of mestre (master's degree) and doutor (Ph.D.).

In adjustment to accumulation its own needs and those of the bounded association itself, the university has aswell 5 centres: the Teaching and Learning Resources Centre (CREA); the Centre for Patrimonial Studies and Recovery (CEPP); the Computer Centre (CI); the Optics Centre (CO) and the Centre of Studies for Bounded Development (CEDR) which establishes the interface amid the university and the association accouterment consulting casework to bounded institutions in the areas of bounded development.

The Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira (Cova da Beira Hospital Center), with accessories in Covilhã and Fundão, is the teaching hospital of the University of Beira Interior. Hospitals of Castelo Branco and Guarda aswell coact with the Faculty of Health Sciences.

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